Source code for analogvnn.graph.AcyclicDirectedGraph

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import typing
from typing import Dict, Union, List, Tuple

import networkx as nx

from analogvnn.graph.ArgsKwargs import ArgsKwargs, InputOutput
from analogvnn.graph.GraphEnum import GraphEnum, GRAPH_NODE_TYPE
from analogvnn.graph.ModelGraphState import ModelGraphState
from analogvnn.graph.to_graph_viz_digraph import to_graphviz_digraph

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:

__all__ = ['AcyclicDirectedGraph']

[docs]class AcyclicDirectedGraph(abc.ABC): """The base class for all acyclic directed graphs. Attributes: graph (nx.MultiDiGraph): The graph. graph_state (ModelGraphState): The graph state. _is_static (bool): If True, the graph is not changing during runtime and will be cached. _static_graphs (Dict[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE, List[Tuple[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE, List[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE]]]]): The static graphs. INPUT (GraphEnum): GraphEnum.INPUT OUTPUT (GraphEnum): GraphEnum.OUTPUT STOP (GraphEnum): GraphEnum.STOP """
[docs] graph: nx.MultiDiGraph
[docs] graph_state: ModelGraphState
[docs] _is_static: bool
[docs] _static_graphs: Dict[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE, List[Tuple[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE, List[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE]]]]
[docs] INPUT = GraphEnum.INPUT
[docs] OUTPUT = GraphEnum.OUTPUT
[docs] STOP = GraphEnum.STOP
def __init__(self, graph_state: ModelGraphState = None): """Create a new graph. Args: graph_state (ModelGraphState): The graph state. Raises: NotImplementedError: If allow_loops is True, since this is not implemented yet. """ super().__init__() self.graph = nx.MultiDiGraph() self.graph_state = graph_state self._is_static = False self._static_graphs = {} if self.graph_state.allow_loops: raise NotImplementedError('Loops are not implemented yet. Coming soon...') @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Performs pass through the graph. Args: *args: Arguments **kwargs: Keyword arguments Raises: NotImplementedError: since method is abstract """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_connection(self, *args: GRAPH_NODE_TYPE): """Add a connection between nodes. Args: *args: The nodes. Returns: AcyclicDirectedGraph: self. """ for i in range(1, len(args)): self.add_edge(args[i - 1], args[i]) return self
[docs] def add_edge( self, u_of_edge: GRAPH_NODE_TYPE, v_of_edge: GRAPH_NODE_TYPE, in_arg: Union[None, int, bool] = None, in_kwarg: Union[None, str, bool] = None, out_arg: Union[None, int, bool] = None, out_kwarg: Union[None, str, bool] = None ): """Add an edge to the graph. Args: u_of_edge (GRAPH_NODE_TYPE): The source node. v_of_edge (GRAPH_NODE_TYPE): The target node. in_arg (Union[None, int, bool]): The input argument. in_kwarg (Union[None, str, bool]): The input keyword argument. out_arg (Union[None, int, bool]): The output argument. out_kwarg (Union[None, str, bool]): The output keyword argument. Returns: AcyclicDirectedGraph: self. """ attr = self.check_edge_parameters(in_arg, in_kwarg, out_arg, out_kwarg) existing_edges = self.graph.get_edge_data(u_of_edge, v_of_edge) if existing_edges is not None: to_remove = [] for key, edge in existing_edges.items(): if not ( edge['out_arg'] == attr['out_arg'] is not None or edge['out_kwarg'] == attr['out_kwarg'] is not None ): continue to_remove.append(key) for key in to_remove: self.graph.remove_edge(u_of_edge, v_of_edge, key=key) self.graph.add_edge(u_of_edge, v_of_edge, **attr) self.graph.nodes[u_of_edge]['fillcolor'] = 'lightblue' self.graph.nodes[v_of_edge]['fillcolor'] = 'lightblue' return self
[docs] def check_edge_parameters( # noqa: C901 in_arg: Union[None, int, bool], in_kwarg: Union[None, str, bool], out_arg: Union[None, int, bool], out_kwarg: Union[None, str, bool] ) -> Dict[str, Union[None, int, str, bool]]: """Check the edge's in and out parameters. Args: in_arg (Union[None, int, bool]): The input argument. in_kwarg (Union[None, str, bool]): The input keyword argument. out_arg (Union[None, int, bool]): The output argument. out_kwarg (Union[None, str, bool]): The output keyword argument. Returns: Dict[str, Union[None, int, str, bool]]: Dict of valid edge's in and out parameters. Raises: ValueError: If in and out parameters are invalid. """ # @@@ in_arg: None in_kwarg: None out_arg: None out_kwarg: None 0 # @@ in_arg: True in_kwarg: None out_arg: True out_kwarg: None 1 # in_arg: None in_kwarg: True out_arg: True out_kwarg: None 2 # @ in_arg: None in_kwarg: True out_arg: None out_kwarg: True 3 # @ in_arg: 0 in_kwarg: None out_arg: True out_kwarg: None 4 # in_arg: 0 in_kwarg: None out_arg: 0 out_kwarg: None 5 # in_arg: 0 in_kwarg: None out_arg: None out_kwarg: a 6 # in_arg: None in_kwarg: a out_arg: True out_kwarg: None 7 # in_arg: None in_kwarg: a out_arg: 0 out_kwarg: None 8 # @@ in_arg: None in_kwarg: a out_arg: None out_kwarg: a 9 if out_arg is not None and out_kwarg is not None: raise ValueError('both "out_arg" and "out_kwarg" can\'t be present at the same time') if in_arg is not None and in_kwarg is not None: raise ValueError('both "in_arg" and "in_kwarg" can\'t be present at the same time') if in_arg is None and in_kwarg is None and (out_arg is True or out_kwarg is True): in_arg = out_arg in_kwarg = out_kwarg if in_arg is None and in_kwarg is None and (out_arg is not None or out_kwarg is not None): in_arg = 0 if in_arg is True or in_kwarg is True: # All -> All if in_arg not in [True, None]: raise ValueError(f'Invalid value for in_arg: "{in_arg}"') if in_kwarg not in [True, None]: raise ValueError(f'Invalid value for in_kwarg: "{in_kwarg}"') if out_arg not in [True, None]: raise ValueError(f'Invalid value for out_arg: "{out_arg}"') if out_kwarg not in [True, None]: raise ValueError(f'Invalid value for out_kwarg: "{out_kwarg}"') if in_arg is True and out_kwarg is True: raise ValueError('Invalid value "in_arg -> out_kwarg" not allowed') if (in_arg is True or in_kwarg is True) and (out_arg is None and out_kwarg is None): out_arg = in_arg out_kwarg = in_kwarg elif in_arg is not None or in_kwarg is not None: # one -> one if in_arg is not None and (not isinstance(in_arg, int) or in_arg < 0): raise ValueError('"in_arg" must be a number >= 0') if out_arg is not None and (not isinstance(out_arg, int) or out_arg < 0): raise ValueError('"out_arg" must be a number >= 0') if in_kwarg is not None and not isinstance(in_kwarg, str): raise ValueError('"in_kwarg" must be a string') if out_kwarg is not None and not isinstance(out_kwarg, str): raise ValueError('"out_kwarg" must be a string') if in_arg is not None and (out_arg is None and out_kwarg is None): out_arg = True if in_kwarg is not None and (out_arg is None and out_kwarg is None): out_kwarg = in_kwarg else: in_arg = True out_arg = True in_kwarg = True out_kwarg = True attr = { 'in_arg': in_arg, 'in_kwarg': in_kwarg, 'out_arg': out_arg, 'out_kwarg': out_kwarg, } attr['label'] = AcyclicDirectedGraph._create_edge_label(**attr) return attr
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal @staticmethod
[docs] def _create_edge_label( in_arg: Union[None, int, bool] = None, in_kwarg: Union[None, str, bool] = None, out_arg: Union[None, int, bool] = None, out_kwarg: Union[None, str, bool] = None, **kwargs ) -> str: """Create the edge's label. Args: in_arg (Union[None, int, bool]): The input argument. in_kwarg (Union[None, str, bool]): The input keyword argument. out_arg (Union[None, int, bool]): The output argument. out_kwarg (Union[None, str, bool]): The output keyword argument. Returns: str: The edge's label. """ label = '' if in_arg == in_kwarg == out_arg == out_kwarg is True: return '* -> *' if in_arg is True: label += '[]' elif in_arg is not None: label += '[' + str(in_arg) + ']' if in_kwarg is True: label += '{}' elif in_kwarg is not None: label += '{' + str(in_kwarg) + '}' label += ' -> ' if out_arg is True: label += '[]' elif out_arg is not None: label += '[' + str(out_arg) + ']' if out_kwarg is True: label += '{}' elif out_kwarg is not None: label += '{' + str(out_kwarg) + '}' return label
[docs] def compile(self, is_static: bool = True): """Compile the graph. Args: is_static (bool): If True, the graph will be compiled as a static graph. Returns: AcyclicDirectedGraph: The compiled graph. Raises: ValueError: If the graph is not acyclic. """ for i in nx.simple_cycles(self.graph): raise ValueError(f'Cycle detected: {i}') self.graph = self._reindex_out_args(self.graph) self._is_static = is_static self._static_graphs = {} return self
[docs] def _reindex_out_args(graph: nx.MultiDiGraph) -> nx.MultiDiGraph: """Reindex the output arguments. Args: graph (nx.MultiDiGraph): The graph. Returns: nx.MultiDiGraph: The graph with re-indexed output arguments. """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker graph: nx.MultiDiGraph = graph.copy() for v in graph.nodes(): args_index = [] for u in graph.predecessors(v): for _, edge_data in graph.get_edge_data(u, v).items(): if isinstance(edge_data['out_arg'], int) and not isinstance(edge_data['out_arg'], bool): args_index.append(edge_data) if len(args_index) == 0: continue args_index = sorted(args_index, key=lambda x: x['out_arg']) for index, value in enumerate(args_index): value['out_arg'] = index value['label'] = AcyclicDirectedGraph._create_edge_label(**value) return graph
[docs] def _create_static_sub_graph( self, from_node: GRAPH_NODE_TYPE ) -> List[Tuple[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE, List[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE]]]: """Create a static sub graph connected to the given node. Args: from_node (GRAPH_NODE_TYPE): The node. Returns: List[Tuple[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE, List[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE]]]: The static sub graph. """ if self._is_static and from_node in self._static_graphs: return self._static_graphs[from_node] nodes = nx.descendants(self.graph, from_node) nodes.add(from_node) sub_graph: nx.MultiDiGraph = self.graph.subgraph(nodes) sorted_graph = nx.topological_sort(sub_graph) dependent_sorted_graph = [] for i in sorted_graph: dependent_sorted_graph.append((i, list(sub_graph.predecessors(i)))) if self._is_static: self._static_graphs[from_node] = dependent_sorted_graph return self._static_graphs[from_node]
[docs] def parse_args_kwargs( # noqa: C901 self, input_output_graph: Dict[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE, InputOutput], module: GRAPH_NODE_TYPE, predecessors: List[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE] ) -> ArgsKwargs: """Parse the arguments and keyword arguments. Args: input_output_graph (Dict[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE, InputOutput]): The input output graph. module (GRAPH_NODE_TYPE): The module. predecessors (List[GRAPH_NODE_TYPE]): The predecessors. Returns: ArgsKwargs: The arguments and keyword arguments. """ args = {} extra_args = [] kwargs = {} for p in predecessors: edge_data = self.graph.get_edge_data(p, module) for _, v in edge_data.items(): previous_outputs = input_output_graph[p].outputs in_arg = v['in_arg'] in_kwarg = v['in_kwarg'] out_arg = v['out_arg'] out_kwarg = v['out_kwarg'] # 0 if in_arg is True and out_arg is True and in_kwarg is True and out_kwarg is True: extra_args += previous_outputs.args kwargs.update(previous_outputs.kwargs) continue # 1 if in_arg is True and out_arg is True: extra_args += previous_outputs.args continue # 3 if in_kwarg is True and out_kwarg is True: kwargs.update(previous_outputs.kwargs) continue # 2 if in_kwarg is True and out_arg is True: extra_args += list(previous_outputs.kwargs.values()) continue # Backward - 0 if in_arg is True and out_kwarg is not None: kwargs[out_kwarg] = previous_outputs.args continue # Backward - 0 if in_kwarg is True and out_kwarg is not None: kwargs[out_kwarg] = previous_outputs.kwargs continue # 4, 5 & 6 if in_arg is not None: previous_outputs = previous_outputs.args[in_arg] # 7, 8 & 9 if in_kwarg is not None: previous_outputs = previous_outputs.kwargs[in_kwarg] # 4 & 7 if out_arg is True: extra_args.append(previous_outputs) continue # 5 & 8 if out_arg is not None: args[out_arg] = previous_outputs continue # 6 & 9 if out_kwarg is not None: kwargs[out_kwarg] = previous_outputs continue raise NotImplementedError('WTF!Why!') args = [args[k] for k in sorted(args.keys())] + extra_args inputs = ArgsKwargs( args=args, kwargs=kwargs ) return inputs
[docs] def render(self, *args, real_label: bool = False, **kwargs) -> str: """Save the source to file and render with the Graphviz engine. Args: *args: Arguments to pass to graphviz render function. real_label: If True, the real label will be used instead of the label. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to graphviz render function. Returns: str: The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file. """ return to_graphviz_digraph(self.graph, real_label=real_label).render(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] save = render
"""Alias for render."""