Source code for analogvnn.backward.BackwardModule

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
from typing import Callable, Any, Optional, Tuple, Type

import torch
from torch import nn, Tensor, autograd

from analogvnn.utils.common_types import TENSORS

__all__ = ['BackwardModule']

[docs]class BackwardModule(abc.ABC): """Base class for all backward modules. A backward module is a module that can be used to compute the backward gradient of a given function. It is used to compute the gradient of the input of a function with respect to the output of the function. Attributes: _layer (Optional[nn.Module]): The layer for which the backward gradient is computed. _empty_holder_tensor (Tensor): A placeholder tensor which always requires gradient for backward gradient computation. _autograd_backward (Type[AutogradBackward]): The autograd backward function. _disable_autograd_backward (bool): If True the autograd backward function is disabled. """
[docs] _layer: Optional[nn.Module]
[docs] _empty_holder_tensor: Tensor = torch.ones((1,), requires_grad=True)
[docs] _autograd_backward: Type[AutogradBackward] = None
[docs] _disable_autograd_backward: bool = False
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
[docs] class AutogradBackward(autograd.Function): """Optimization and proper calculation of gradients when using the autograd engine.""" # noinspection PyMethodOverriding @staticmethod
[docs] def forward(ctx: Any, backward_module: BackwardModule, _: Tensor, *args: Tensor, **kwargs: Tensor) -> TENSORS: """Forward pass of the autograd function. Args: ctx: The context of the autograd function. backward_module (BackwardModule): The backward module. _ (Tensor): placeholder tensor which always requires grad. *args (Tensor): The arguments of the function. **kwargs (Tensor): The keyword arguments of the function. Returns: TENSORS: The output of the function. """ ctx.backward_module = backward_module return ctx.backward_module._call_impl_forward(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def backward(ctx: Any, *grad_outputs: Tensor) -> Tuple[None, None, TENSORS]: """Backward pass of the autograd function. Args: ctx: The context of the autograd function. *grad_outputs (Tensor): The gradients of the output of the function. Returns: TENSORS: The gradients of the input of the function. """ backward_module: BackwardModule = ctx.backward_module results = backward_module._call_impl_backward(*grad_outputs) if isinstance(results, (tuple, list)): return (None, None, *results) return None, None, results
def __init__(self, layer: nn.Module = None): """Initializes of the BackwardModule class. Args: layer (nn.Module): The layer for which the backward gradient is computed. """ super().__init__() self._layer = None self._set_autograd_backward() if not isinstance(self, nn.Module): self.set_layer(layer)
[docs] def forward(self, *inputs: Tensor, **inputs_kwarg: Tensor) -> TENSORS: """Forward pass of the layer. Args: *inputs (Tensor): The inputs of the layer. **inputs_kwarg (Tensor): The keyword inputs of the layer. Returns: TENSORS: The output of the layer. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the forward pass is not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError(f'Module [{type(self).__name__}] is missing the required "forward" function')
forward._implemented = False @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def backward(self, *grad_outputs: Tensor, **grad_output_kwarg: Tensor) -> TENSORS: """Backward pass of the layer. Args: *grad_outputs (Tensor): The gradients of the output of the layer. **grad_output_kwarg (Tensor): The keyword gradients of the output of the layer. Returns: TENSORS: The gradients of the input of the layer. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the backward pass is not implemented. """ raise NotImplementedError(f'Module [{type(self).__name__}] is missing the required "backward" function')
[docs] def _call_impl_forward(self, *args: Tensor, **kwarg: Tensor) -> TENSORS: """Calls Forward pass of the layer. Args: *inputs (Tensor): The inputs of the layer. **inputs_kwarg (Tensor): The keyword inputs of the layer. Returns: TENSORS: The output of the layer. """ return self.forward(*args, **kwarg)
[docs] def _call_impl_backward(self, *grad_output: Tensor, **grad_output_kwarg: Tensor) -> TENSORS: """Calls Backward pass of the layer. Args: *grad_outputs (Tensor): The gradients of the output of the layer. **grad_output_kwarg (Tensor): The keyword gradients of the output of the layer. Returns: TENSORS: The gradients of the input of the layer. """ return self.backward(*grad_output, **grad_output_kwarg)
[docs] __call__: Callable[..., Any] = _call_impl_backward
[docs] def auto_apply(self, *args: Tensor, to_apply=True, **kwargs: Tensor) -> TENSORS: """Applies the backward module to the given layer using the proper method. Args: *args (Tensor): The inputs of the layer. to_apply (bool): if True and is training then the AutogradBackward is applied, otherwise the backward module is applied. **kwargs (Tensor): The keyword inputs of the layer. Returns: TENSORS: The output of the layer. """ if to_apply and not self._disable_autograd_backward: return self._autograd_backward.apply(self, self._empty_holder_tensor, *args, **kwargs) else: return self._call_impl_forward(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def has_forward(self) -> bool: """Checks if the forward pass is implemented. Returns: bool: True if the forward pass is implemented, False otherwise. """ return not hasattr(self.forward, '_implemented')
[docs] def layer(self) -> Optional[nn.Module]: """Gets the layer for which the backward gradient is computed. Returns: Optional[nn.Module]: layer """ return self.get_layer()
[docs] def get_layer(self) -> Optional[nn.Module]: """Gets the layer for which the backward gradient is computed. Returns: Optional[nn.Module]: layer """ if isinstance(self, nn.Module): return self else: return self._layer
[docs] def set_layer(self, layer: Optional[nn.Module]) -> BackwardModule: """Sets the layer for which the backward gradient is computed. Args: layer (nn.Module): The layer for which the backward gradient is computed. Returns: BackwardModule: self Raises: ValueError: If self is a subclass of nn.Module. ValueError: If the layer is already set. ValueError: If the layer is not an instance of nn.Module. """ if isinstance(self, nn.Module): raise ValueError('layer of Backward Module is set to itself') if self._layer is not None: raise ValueError('changing the layer of Backward Module is not allowed') if layer is not None and not isinstance(layer, nn.Module): raise ValueError('layer not instance of Layer class') self._layer = layer self._set_autograd_backward() return self
[docs] def _set_autograd_backward(self): layer = self.get_layer() if layer is None: self._autograd_backward = BackwardModule.AutogradBackward else: # noinspection PyTypeChecker self._autograd_backward = type( f'{layer.__class__.__name__}AutoGrad', (BackwardModule.AutogradBackward,), {} ) return self._autograd_backward
[docs] def set_grad_of(tensor: Tensor, grad: Tensor) -> Optional[Tensor]: """Sets the gradient of the given tensor. Args: tensor (Tensor): The tensor. grad (Tensor): The gradient. Returns: Optional[Tensor]: the gradient of the tensor. """ if tensor is None or tensor.requires_grad is False: return None # noinspection PyBroadException try: tensor.backward(gradient=grad, inputs=tensor) except Exception: # noinspection PyProtectedMember for _, value in tensor._backward_hooks.items(): grad = value(grad) if tensor.grad is None: tensor.grad = grad else: tensor.grad += grad return tensor.grad
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: """Gets the attribute of the layer. Args: name (str): The name of the attribute. Returns: Any: The attribute of the layer. Raises: AttributeError: If the attribute is not found. """ if isinstance(self, nn.Module) or self == self._layer: return super(BackwardModule, self).__getattr__(name) if not str(name).startswith('__') and self._layer is not None and hasattr(self._layer, name): return getattr(self._layer, name) raise AttributeError(f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'")