Source code for analogvnn.nn.activation.Gaussian

import math
from typing import Optional

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from analogvnn.nn.activation.Activation import Activation

__all__ = ['Gaussian', 'GeLU']

[docs]class Gaussian(Activation): """Implements the Gaussian activation function.""" @staticmethod
[docs] def forward(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Forward pass of the Gaussian activation function. Args: x (Tensor): the input tensor. Returns: Tensor: the output tensor. """ return torch.exp(-torch.pow(x, 2))
[docs] def backward(self, grad_output: Optional[Tensor]) -> Optional[Tensor]: """Backward pass of the Gaussian activation function. Args: grad_output (Optional[Tensor]): the gradient of the output tensor. Returns: Optional[Tensor]: the gradient of the input tensor. """ x = self.inputs grad = -2 * x * torch.exp(-torch.pow(x, 2)) return grad_output * grad
[docs]class GeLU(Activation): """Implements the Gaussian error linear unit (GeLU) activation function.""" @staticmethod
[docs] def forward(x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Forward pass of the Gaussian error linear unit (GeLU) activation function. Args: x (Tensor): the input tensor. Returns: Tensor: the output tensor. """ return (1 / 2) * x * (1 + torch.erf(x / math.sqrt(2)))
[docs] def backward(self, grad_output: Optional[Tensor]) -> Optional[Tensor]: """Backward pass of the Gaussian error linear unit (GeLU) activation function. Args: grad_output (Optional[Tensor]): the gradient of the output tensor. Returns: Optional[Tensor]: the gradient of the input tensor. """ x = self.inputs grad = (1 / 2) * ( (1 + torch.erf(x / math.sqrt(2))) + x * (math.sqrt(2 * math.pi) * torch.exp(-torch.pow(x, 2) / 2)) ) return grad_output * grad