Source code for analogvnn.nn.noise.PoissonNoise

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import scipy.special
import torch
from scipy.optimize import toms748
from torch import Tensor, nn

from analogvnn.backward.BackwardIdentity import BackwardIdentity
from analogvnn.fn.dirac_delta import gaussian_dirac_delta
from analogvnn.nn.noise.Noise import Noise
from analogvnn.utils.common_types import TENSOR_OPERABLE
from analogvnn.utils.to_tensor_parameter import to_float_tensor, to_nongrad_parameter

__all__ = ['PoissonNoise']

[docs]class PoissonNoise(Noise, BackwardIdentity): """Implements the Poisson noise function. Attributes: scale (nn.Parameter): the scale of the Poisson noise function. max_leakage (nn.Parameter): the maximum leakage of the Poisson noise. precision (nn.Parameter): the precision of the Poisson noise. """
[docs] __constants__ = ['scale', 'max_leakage', 'precision']
[docs] scale: nn.Parameter
[docs] max_leakage: nn.Parameter
[docs] precision: nn.Parameter
def __init__( self, scale: Optional[float] = None, max_leakage: Optional[float] = None, precision: Optional[int] = None, ): """Initializes the Poisson noise function. Args: scale (Optional[float]): the scale of the Poisson noise function. max_leakage (Optional[float]): the maximum leakage of the Poisson noise. precision (Optional[int]): the precision of the Poisson noise. """ super().__init__() if (scale is None) + (max_leakage is None) + (precision is None) != 1: raise ValueError('only 2 out of 3 arguments are needed (scale, max_leakage, precision)') scale, max_leakage, precision = to_float_tensor(scale, max_leakage, precision) if scale is None and max_leakage is not None and precision is not None: scale = self.calc_scale(max_leakage, precision) if precision is None and scale is not None and max_leakage is not None: precision = self.calc_precision(scale, max_leakage) if max_leakage is None and scale is not None and precision is not None: max_leakage = self.calc_max_leakage(scale, precision) self.scale, self.max_leakage, self.precision = to_nongrad_parameter(scale, max_leakage, precision) if self.rate_factor < 1.: raise ValueError('rate_factor must be >= 1 (scale * precision >= 1)') @staticmethod
[docs] def calc_scale(max_leakage: TENSOR_OPERABLE, precision: TENSOR_OPERABLE, max_check=10000) -> TENSOR_OPERABLE: """Calculates the scale using the maximum leakage and the precision. Args: max_leakage (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the maximum leakage of the Poisson noise. precision (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the precision of the Poisson noise. max_check (int): the maximum value to check for the scale. Returns: TENSOR_OPERABLE: the scale of the Poisson noise function. """ max_leakage = float(max_leakage) precision = float(precision) r, _ = toms748( lambda s: PoissonNoise.calc_max_leakage(s, precision) - max_leakage, a=0, b=max_check, maxiter=10000 ) return r
[docs] def calc_precision(scale: TENSOR_OPERABLE, max_leakage: TENSOR_OPERABLE, max_check=2 ** 16) -> TENSOR_OPERABLE: """Calculates the precision using the scale and the maximum leakage. Args: scale (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the scale of the Poisson noise function. max_leakage (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the maximum leakage of the Poisson noise. max_check (int): the maximum value to check for the precision. Returns: TENSOR_OPERABLE: the precision of the Poisson noise. """ max_leakage = float(max_leakage) scale = float(scale) r, _ = toms748( lambda p: PoissonNoise.calc_max_leakage(scale, p) - max_leakage, a=1, b=max_check, maxiter=10000 ) return r
[docs] def calc_max_leakage(scale: TENSOR_OPERABLE, precision: TENSOR_OPERABLE) -> TENSOR_OPERABLE: """Calculates the maximum leakage using the scale and the precision. Args: scale (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the scale of the Poisson noise function. precision (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the precision of the Poisson noise. Returns: TENSOR_OPERABLE: the maximum leakage of the Poisson noise. """ return 1 - ( PoissonNoise.static_cdf(x=1. + 1 / (2 * precision), rate=1., scale_factor=scale * precision) - PoissonNoise.static_cdf(x=1. - 1 / (2 * precision), rate=1., scale_factor=scale * precision)
) @staticmethod
[docs] def static_cdf(x: TENSOR_OPERABLE, rate: TENSOR_OPERABLE, scale_factor: TENSOR_OPERABLE) -> TENSOR_OPERABLE: """Calculates the cumulative distribution function of the Poisson noise. Args: x (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the input of the Poisson noise. rate (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the rate of the Poisson noise. scale_factor (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the scale factor of the Poisson noise. Returns: TENSOR_OPERABLE: the cumulative distribution function of the Poisson noise. """ if np.isclose(rate, np.zeros_like(rate)): return np.ones_like(x) x = np.abs(x) * scale_factor rate = np.abs(rate) * scale_factor return scipy.special.gammaincc(x + 1, rate)
[docs] def staticmethod_leakage(scale: TENSOR_OPERABLE, precision: TENSOR_OPERABLE) -> TENSOR_OPERABLE: """Calculates the leakage of the Poisson noise using the scale and the precision. Args: scale (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the scale of the Poisson noise function. precision (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the precision of the Poisson noise. Returns: TENSOR_OPERABLE: the leakage of the Poisson noise. """ cdf_domain = np.linspace(-1, 1, int(2 * precision + 1), dtype=float) correctness = 0 for i in cdf_domain: min_i = i - 1 / (2 * precision) max_i = i + 1 / (2 * precision) if np.isclose(i, 1.): max_i = 1. if np.isclose(i, -1.): min_i = -1. if np.isclose(i, 0.): correctness += 1 else: correctness += PoissonNoise.static_cdf( max(abs(max_i), abs(min_i)), rate=i, scale_factor=scale * precision ) correctness -= PoissonNoise.static_cdf( min(abs(max_i), abs(min_i)), rate=i, scale_factor=scale * precision ) correctness /= cdf_domain.size - 1 return 1 - correctness
[docs] def leakage(self) -> float: """The leakage of the Poisson noise. Returns: float: the leakage of the Poisson noise. """ return self.staticmethod_leakage(scale=float(self.scale), precision=int(self.precision))
[docs] def rate_factor(self) -> Tensor: """The rate factor of the Poisson noise. Returns: Tensor: the rate factor of the Poisson noise. """ return self.precision * self.scale
[docs] def pdf(self, x: Tensor, rate: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Calculates the probability density function of the Poisson noise. Args: x (Tensor): the input of the Poisson noise. rate (Tensor): the rate of the Poisson noise. Returns: Tensor: the probability density function of the Poisson noise. """ x = x if isinstance(x, Tensor) else torch.tensor(x, requires_grad=False) rate = rate if isinstance(rate, Tensor) else torch.tensor(rate, requires_grad=False) if torch.isclose(rate, torch.zeros_like(rate)): return gaussian_dirac_delta(x) return torch.exp(self.log_prob(x=x, rate=rate))
[docs] def log_prob(self, x: Tensor, rate: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Calculates the log probability of the Poisson noise. Args: x (Tensor): the input of the Poisson noise. rate (Tensor): the rate of the Poisson noise. Returns: Tensor: the log probability of the Poisson noise. """ x = x if isinstance(x, Tensor) else torch.tensor(x, requires_grad=False) rate = rate if isinstance(rate, Tensor) else torch.tensor(rate, requires_grad=False) x = torch.abs(x) * self.rate_factor rate = torch.abs(rate) * self.rate_factor return x.xlogy(rate) - rate - torch.lgamma(x + 1)
[docs] def cdf(self, x: Tensor, rate: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Calculates the cumulative distribution function of the Poisson noise. Args: x (Tensor): the input of the Poisson noise. rate (Tensor): the rate of the Poisson noise. Returns: Tensor: the cumulative distribution function of the Poisson noise. """ x = x if isinstance(x, Tensor) else torch.tensor(x, requires_grad=False) rate = rate if isinstance(rate, Tensor) else torch.tensor(rate, requires_grad=False) return self.static_cdf(x, rate, self.rate_factor)
[docs] def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Adds the Poisson noise to the input. Args: x (Tensor): the input of the Poisson noise. Returns: Tensor: the output of the Poisson noise. """ return torch.sign(x) * torch.poisson(torch.abs(x * self.rate_factor)) / self.rate_factor
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> str: """Returns the extra representation of the Poisson noise. Returns: str: the extra representation of the Poisson noise. """ return f'scale={float(self.scale):.4f}' \
f', max_leakage={float(self.max_leakage):.4f}' \ f', leakage={float(self.leakage):.4f}' \ f', precision={int(self.precision)}'