Source code for analogvnn.nn.noise.UniformNoise

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import torch
from torch import Tensor, nn

from analogvnn.backward.BackwardIdentity import BackwardIdentity
from analogvnn.nn.noise.Noise import Noise
from analogvnn.utils.common_types import TENSOR_OPERABLE
from analogvnn.utils.to_tensor_parameter import to_float_tensor, to_nongrad_parameter

__all__ = ['UniformNoise']

[docs]class UniformNoise(Noise, BackwardIdentity): """Implements the uniform noise function. Attributes: low (nn.Parameter): the lower bound of the uniform noise. high (nn.Parameter): the upper bound of the uniform noise. leakage (nn.Parameter): the leakage of the uniform noise. precision (nn.Parameter): the precision of the uniform noise. """
[docs] __constants__ = ['low', 'high', 'leakage', 'precision']
[docs] low: nn.Parameter
[docs] high: nn.Parameter
[docs] leakage: nn.Parameter
[docs] precision: nn.Parameter
def __init__( self, low: Optional[float] = None, high: Optional[float] = None, leakage: Optional[float] = None, precision: Optional[int] = None ): """Initialize the uniform noise function. Args: low (float): the lower bound of the uniform noise. high (float): the upper bound of the uniform noise. leakage (float): the leakage of the uniform noise. precision (int): the precision of the uniform noise. """ super().__init__() if (low is None or high is None) + (leakage is None) + (precision is None) != 1: raise ValueError('only 2 out of 3 arguments are needed (scale, leakage, precision)') low, high, leakage, precision = to_float_tensor(low, high, leakage, precision) if (low is None or high is None) and leakage is not None and precision is not None: low, high = self.calc_high_low(leakage, precision) if low is not None and high is not None and leakage is None and precision is not None: leakage = self.calc_leakage(low, high, precision) if low is not None and high is not None and leakage is not None and precision is None: precision = self.calc_precision(low, high, leakage) self.low, self.high, self.leakage, self.precision = to_nongrad_parameter(low, high, leakage, precision) @staticmethod
[docs] def calc_high_low(leakage: TENSOR_OPERABLE, precision: TENSOR_OPERABLE) -> Tuple[TENSOR_OPERABLE, TENSOR_OPERABLE]: """Calculate the high and low from leakage and precision. Args: leakage (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the leakage of the uniform noise. precision (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the precision of the uniform noise. Returns: Tuple[TENSOR_OPERABLE, TENSOR_OPERABLE]: the high and low of the uniform noise. """ v = 1 / (1 - leakage) * (1 / precision) return -v / 2, v / 2
[docs] def calc_leakage(low: TENSOR_OPERABLE, high: TENSOR_OPERABLE, precision: TENSOR_OPERABLE) -> TENSOR_OPERABLE: """Calculate the leakage from low, high and precision. Args: low (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the lower bound of the uniform noise. high (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the upper bound of the uniform noise. precision (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the precision of the uniform noise. Returns: TENSOR_OPERABLE: the leakage of the uniform noise. """ return 1 - min(1, (1 / precision) * (1 / (high - low)))
[docs] def calc_precision(low: TENSOR_OPERABLE, high: TENSOR_OPERABLE, leakage: TENSOR_OPERABLE) -> TENSOR_OPERABLE: """Calculate the precision from low, high and leakage. Args: low (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the lower bound of the uniform noise. high (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the upper bound of the uniform noise. leakage (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the leakage of the uniform noise. Returns: TENSOR_OPERABLE: the precision of the uniform noise. """ return 1 / (1 - leakage) * (1 / (high - low))
[docs] def mean(self) -> Tensor: """The mean of the uniform noise. Returns: Tensor: the mean of the uniform noise. """ return (self.high + self.low) / 2
[docs] def stddev(self) -> Tensor: """The standard deviation of the uniform noise. Returns: Tensor: the standard deviation of the uniform noise. """ return (self.high - self.low) / 12 ** 0.5
[docs] def variance(self) -> Tensor: """The variance of the uniform noise. Returns: Tensor: the variance of the uniform noise. """ return (self.high - self.low).pow(2) / 12
[docs] def pdf(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """The probability density function of the uniform noise. Args: x (Tensor): the input tensor. Returns: Tensor: the probability density function of the uniform noise. """ return torch.exp(self.log_prob(x=x))
[docs] def log_prob(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """The log probability density function of the uniform noise. Args: x (Tensor): the input tensor. Returns: Tensor: the log probability density function of the uniform noise. """ lb = self.low.le(x).type_as(self.low) ub = return torch.log(lb.mul(ub)) - torch.log(self.high - self.low)
[docs] def cdf(self, x: TENSOR_OPERABLE) -> TENSOR_OPERABLE: """The cumulative distribution function of the uniform noise. Args: x (TENSOR_OPERABLE): the input tensor. Returns: TENSOR_OPERABLE: the cumulative distribution function of the uniform noise. """ result = (x - self.low) / (self.high - self.low) return result.clamp(min=0, max=1)
[docs] def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Add the uniform noise to the input tensor. Args: x (Tensor): the input tensor. Returns: Tensor: the output tensor. """ return torch.distributions.Uniform(low=x + self.low, high=x + self.high).sample()
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> str: """The extra representation of the uniform noise. Returns: str: the extra representation of the uniform noise. """ return f'high={float(self.high):.4f}' \
f', low={float(self.low):.4f}' \ f', leakage={float(self.leakage):.4f}' \ f', precision={int(self.precision)}'