Source code for analogvnn.utils.render_autograd_graph

# The original snippet is licensed under the MIT License.
# The following code is modified snippet from
# to render the autograd graph of a module or a tensor for analogvnn.

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import typing
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
from dataclasses import dataclass
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Sequence, List, Dict, Union, Any, Callable, Iterator, Tuple

import torch
from torch import Tensor, nn
from torch.nn import Parameter

from analogvnn.backward.BackwardModule import BackwardModule
from analogvnn.nn.module.Layer import Layer
from analogvnn.utils.is_cpu_cuda import is_cpu_cuda

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from graphviz import Digraph

__all__ = [

Node = namedtuple('Node', ('name', 'inputs', 'attr', 'op'))

# Saved attrs for grad_fn (incl. saved variables) begin with `._saved_*`
SAVED_PREFIX = '_saved_'

[docs]def size_to_str(size): """Convert a tensor size to a string. Args: size (torch.Size): the size to convert. Returns: str: the string representation of the size. """ return '(' + ', '.join(['%d' % s for s in size]) + ')'
def _format_name_size(name, size): return '%s\n %s' % (name, size) def resize_graph(dot: Digraph, size_per_element: float = 0.15, min_size: float = 12): """Resize the graph according to how much content it contains. Modify the graph in place. Args: dot (graphviz.Digraph): graph to be resized size_per_element (float): A "rank" in graphviz contains roughly size_per_element**2 pixels. min_size (float): Minimum size of graph. """ # Get the approximate number of nodes and edges num_rows = len(dot.body) content_size = num_rows * size_per_element size = max(min_size, content_size) size_str = str(size) + ',' + str(size) dot.graph_attr.update(size=size_str) def get_fn_name(fn: Callable, show_attrs: bool, max_attr_chars: int) -> str: """Get the name of a function. Args: fn (Callable): the function. show_attrs (bool): whether to show the attributes. max_attr_chars (int): the maximum number of characters to show for the attributes. Returns: str: the name of the function. """ name = str(type(fn).__name__) if name.endswith('Backward'): name = name[:-8] if not show_attrs: return name attrs = {} for attr in dir(fn): if not attr.startswith(SAVED_PREFIX): continue val = getattr(fn, attr) attr = attr[len(SAVED_PREFIX):] if torch.is_tensor(val): attrs[attr] = '[saved tensor]' elif isinstance(val, (tuple, list)) and any(torch.is_tensor(t) for t in val): attrs[attr] = '[saved tensors]' else: attrs[attr] = str(val) if not attrs: return name max_attr_chars = max(max_attr_chars, 3) col1width = max(len(k) for k in attrs.keys()) col2width = min(max(len(str(v)) for v in attrs.values()), max_attr_chars) sep = '-' * max(col1width + col2width + 2, len(name)) attrstr = '%-' + str(col1width) + 's: %' + str(col2width) + 's' truncate = lambda s: s[:col2width - 3] + '...' if len(s) > col2width else s # noqa: E731 params = '\n'.join(attrstr % (k, truncate(str(v))) for (k, v) in attrs.items()) return name + '\n' + sep + '\n' + params @dataclass
[docs]class AutoGradDot: """Stores and manages Graphviz representation of PyTorch autograd graph. Attributes: dot (graphviz.Digraph): Graphviz representation of the autograd graph. _module (nn.Module): The module to be traced. _inputs (List[Tensor]): The inputs to the module. _inputs_kwargs (Dict[str, Tensor]): The keyword arguments to the module. _outputs (Sequence[Tensor]): The outputs of the module. param_map (Dict[int, str]): A map from parameter values to their names. _seen (set): A set of nodes that have already been added to the graph. show_attrs (bool): whether to display non-tensor attributes of backward nodes (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) show_saved (bool): whether to display saved tensor nodes that are not by custom autograd functions. Saved tensor nodes for custom functions, if present, are always displayed. (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) max_attr_chars (int): if show_attrs is `True`, sets max number of characters to display for any given attribute. _called (bool): the module has been called. """
[docs] dot: Digraph = None
[docs] _module: nn.Module = None
[docs] _inputs: Sequence[Tensor] = dataclasses.field(default=None, repr=False, hash=False)
[docs] _inputs_kwargs: Dict[str, Tensor] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict, repr=False, hash=False)
[docs] _outputs: Sequence[Tensor] = dataclasses.field(default=None, repr=False, hash=False)
[docs] param_map: dict = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict, repr=False, hash=False)
[docs] _seen: set = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set, repr=False, hash=False)
[docs] show_attrs: bool = dataclasses.field(default=False, repr=False, hash=False)
[docs] show_saved: bool = dataclasses.field(default=False, repr=False, hash=False)
[docs] max_attr_chars: int = dataclasses.field(default=50, repr=False, hash=False)
[docs] _called: bool = False
[docs] _ignore_tensor: Dict[int, bool] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict, repr=False, hash=False)
[docs] def __post_init__(self): """Create the graphviz graph. Raises: ImportError: if graphviz ( is not available. """ try: from graphviz import Digraph except ImportError as e: raise ImportError('requires graphviz:') from e node_attr = { 'style': 'filled', 'shape': 'box', 'align': 'left', 'fontsize': '12', 'ranksep': '0.1', 'height': '0.2', 'fontname': 'monospace' } = Digraph(node_attr=node_attr, graph_attr={'size': '12,12'}, format='svg') # noinspection PyProtectedMember self.add_ignore_tensor(BackwardModule._empty_holder_tensor)
[docs] def inputs(self) -> Sequence[Tensor]: """The arg inputs to the module. Returns: Sequence[Tensor]: the arg inputs to the module. """ return self._inputs
@inputs.setter def inputs(self, inputs: Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]]): """Set the inputs to the module. Args: inputs (Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]]): the inputs to the module. """ self._inputs = inputs self._called = False if not inputs: return if not isinstance(inputs, (tuple, list)): inputs = (inputs,) for i, v in enumerate(inputs): self.param_map[id(v)] = f'INPUT_{i}' self.param_map[id(] = f'INPUT_{i}' @property
[docs] def inputs_kwargs(self) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: """The keyword inputs to the module. Args: Dict[str, Tensor]: the keyword inputs to the module. """ return self._inputs_kwargs
@inputs_kwargs.setter def inputs_kwargs(self, inputs_kwargs: Dict[str, Tensor]): """Set the keyword inputs to the module. Args: inputs_kwargs (Dict[str, Tensor]): the keyword inputs to the module. """ self._inputs_kwargs = inputs_kwargs self._called = False if not inputs_kwargs: return for k, v in inputs_kwargs.items(): self.param_map[id(v)] = f'INPUT_{k}' self.param_map[id(] = f'INPUT_{k}' @property
[docs] def outputs(self) -> Optional[Sequence[Tensor]]: """The outputs of the module. Returns: Optional[Sequence[Tensor]]: the outputs of the module. """ return self._outputs
@outputs.setter def outputs(self, outputs): self._called = True if outputs is not None and not isinstance(outputs, (tuple, list)): outputs = (outputs,) self._outputs = outputs for i, v in enumerate(outputs): self.param_map[id(v)] = f'OUTPUT_{i}' self.param_map[id(] = f'OUTPUT_{i}' @property
[docs] def module(self) -> nn.Module: """The module. Returns: nn.Module: the module to be traced. """ return self._module
@module.setter def module(self, module: nn.Module): """Set the module. Args: module (nn.Module): the module. """ self._module = module self._called = False if not module: return assert isinstance(module, nn.Module) for k, v in dict(module.named_parameters()).items(): self.param_map[id(v)] = k self.param_map[id(] = k
[docs] def reset_params(self): """Reset the param_map and _seen. Returns: AutoGradDot: self. """ self.param_map = {} self._seen = set() self.inputs = self.inputs self.inputs_kwargs = self.inputs_kwargs self.module = self.module return self
[docs] def ignore_tensor(self) -> Dict[int, bool]: """The tensor ignored from the dot graphs. Returns: Dict[int, bool]: the ignore tensor dict. """ return self._ignore_tensor
[docs] def add_ignore_tensor(self, tensor: Tensor): """Add a tensor to the ignore tensor dict. Args: tensor (Tensor): the tensor to ignore. Returns: AutoGradDot: self. """ self._ignore_tensor[id(tensor)] = True return self
[docs] def del_ignore_tensor(self, tensor: Tensor): """Delete a tensor from the ignore tensor dict. Args: tensor (Tensor): the tensor to delete. Returns: AutoGradDot: self. """ self._ignore_tensor.pop(id(tensor), None) return self
[docs] def get_tensor_name(self, tensor: Tensor, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Get the name of the tensor. Args: tensor (Tensor): the tensor. name (Optional[str]): the name of the tensor. Defaults to None. Returns: Tuple[str, str]: the name and size of the tensor. """ if not name: if id(tensor) in self.param_map: name = self.param_map[id(tensor)] elif hasattr(tensor, 'name') and not not name = elif hasattr(tensor, 'names') and not not tensor.names: if len(tensor.names) == 1: name = tensor.names[0] else: name = str(tensor.names) else: name = '' name, size = name.strip(), size_to_str(tensor.size()).strip() return name, size
[docs] def add_tensor(self, tensor: Tensor, name: Optional[str] = None, _attributes=None, **kwargs): """Add a tensor to the graph. Args: tensor (Tensor): the tensor. name (Optional[str]): the name of the tensor. Defaults to None. _attributes (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): the attributes of the tensor. Defaults to None. **kwargs: the attributes of the dot.node function. Returns: AutoGradDot: self. """ self._seen.add(tensor) name=str(id(tensor)), label=_format_name_size(*self.get_tensor_name(tensor, name=name)), _attributes=_attributes, **kwargs ) return self
[docs] def add_fn(self, fn: Any, _attributes=None, **kwargs): """Add a function to the graph. Args: fn (Any): the function. _attributes (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): the attributes of the function. Defaults to None. **kwargs: the attributes of the dot.node function. Returns: AutoGradDot: self. """ self._seen.add(fn) name=str(id(fn)), label=get_fn_name(fn, self.show_attrs, self.max_attr_chars), _attributes=_attributes, **kwargs ) return self
[docs] def add_edge(self, u: Any, v: Any, label: Optional[str] = None, _attributes=None, **kwargs): """Add an edge to the graph. Args: u (Any): tail node. v (Any): head node. label (Optional[str]): the label of the edge. Defaults to None. _attributes (Optional[Dict[str, str]]): the attributes of the edge. Defaults to None. **kwargs: the attributes of the dot.edge function. Returns: AutoGradDot: self. """ tail_name=str(id(u)), head_name=str(id(v)), label=label, _attributes=_attributes, **kwargs ) return self
[docs] def add_seen(self, item: Any): """Add an item to the seen set. Args: item (Any): the item. Returns: AutoGradDot: self. """ self._seen.add(item) return self
[docs] def is_seen(self, item: Any) -> bool: """Check if the item is in the seen set. Args: item (Any): the item. Returns: bool: True if the item is in the seen set. """ return item in self._seen
def _add_grad_fn(link: Union[Tensor, Callable], autograd_dot: AutoGradDot) -> Optional[List]: # noqa: C901 """Add a link to the graph. Args: link (Union[Tensor, Callable]): the Tensor or Tensor.grad_fn. autograd_dot (AutoGradDot): the AutoGradDot object. """ if autograd_dot.is_seen(link): return None next_links = [] if isinstance(link, Tensor): tensor = link autograd_dot.add_tensor(tensor, fillcolor='darkolivegreen1' if not tensor._is_view() else 'darkolivegreen3') if tensor.grad_fn: next_links.append(tensor.grad_fn) autograd_dot.add_edge(tensor.grad_fn, tensor) if tensor._is_view(): next_links.append(tensor._base) autograd_dot.add_edge(tensor._base, tensor, style='dotted') return next_links grad_fn = link # add the node for this grad_fn autograd_dot.add_fn(grad_fn) if autograd_dot.show_saved: for attr in dir(grad_fn): if not attr.startswith(SAVED_PREFIX): continue val = getattr(grad_fn, attr) autograd_dot.add_seen(val) attr = attr[len(SAVED_PREFIX):] if torch.is_tensor(val): autograd_dot.add_edge(grad_fn, val, dir='none') autograd_dot.add_tensor(val, name=attr, fillcolor='orange') continue if isinstance(val, (tuple, list)): for i, t in enumerate(val): if not torch.is_tensor(t): continue name = attr + '[%s]' % str(i) autograd_dot.add_edge(grad_fn, t, dir='none') autograd_dot.add_tensor(t, name=name, fillcolor='orange') if hasattr(grad_fn, 'variable'): # if grad_accumulator, add the node for `.variable` var = grad_fn.variable autograd_dot.add_tensor(var, fillcolor='lightblue') autograd_dot.add_edge(var, grad_fn) # recurse if hasattr(grad_fn, 'next_functions'): for u in grad_fn.next_functions: if u[0] is None: continue if ( u[0].__class__.__name__ == 'AccumulateGrad' and hasattr(u[0], 'variable') and id(u[0].variable) in autograd_dot.ignore_tensor ): continue autograd_dot.add_edge(u[0], grad_fn) next_links.append(u[0]) # note: this used to show .saved_tensors in pytorch0.2, but stopped # working* as it was moved to ATen and Variable-Tensor merged # also note that this still works for custom autograd functions if hasattr(grad_fn, 'saved_tensors'): for t in grad_fn.saved_tensors: if t is None: continue autograd_dot.add_edge(t, grad_fn) autograd_dot.add_tensor(t, fillcolor='orange') return next_links def _compile_autograd_obj( autograd_dot: AutoGradDot, additional_params: Optional[dict] = None, show_attrs: bool = True, show_saved: bool = True, max_attr_chars: int = 50, ) -> AutoGradDot: """Make dot graph in AutoGradDot. If a node represents a backward function, it is gray. Otherwise, the node represents a tensor and is either blue, orange, or green: - Blue: reachable leaf tensors that requires grad (tensors whose `.grad` fields will be populated during `.backward()`) - Orange: saved tensors of custom autograd functions as well as those saved by built-in backward nodes - Green: tensor passed in as outputs - Dark green: if any output is a view, we represent its base tensor with a dark green node. Args: autograd_dot (AutoGradDot): the AutoGradDot object. additional_params (dict): dict of additional params to label nodes with show_attrs (bool): whether to display non-tensor attributes of backward nodes (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) show_saved (bool): whether to display saved tensor nodes that are not by custom autograd functions. Saved tensor nodes for custom functions, if present, are always displayed. (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) max_attr_chars (int): if show_attrs is `True`, sets max number of characters to display for any given attribute. Returns: AutoGradDot: graphviz representation of autograd graph """ if LooseVersion(torch.__version__) < LooseVersion('1.9') and (show_attrs or show_saved): warnings.warn( 'make_dot: showing grad_fn attributes and saved variables' ' requires PyTorch version >= 1.9. (This does NOT apply to' ' saved tensors saved by custom autograd functions.)' ) autograd_dot.show_attrs = show_attrs autograd_dot.show_saved = show_saved autograd_dot.max_attr_chars = max_attr_chars if additional_params is not None: autograd_dot.param_map.update(additional_params) deque = list(autograd_dot.outputs) while len(deque) > 0: r = _add_grad_fn(deque.pop(0), autograd_dot=autograd_dot) if r is not None: deque += r resize_graph( return autograd_dot def _toggle_autograd_backward(disable, status, self): if not isinstance(self, Layer): return self = self.backward_function if self is None: return if disable: status[id(self)] = self._disable_autograd_backward self._disable_autograd_backward = True else: self._disable_autograd_backward = status[id(self)]
[docs]def make_autograd_obj_from_outputs( outputs: Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]], named_params: Union[Dict[str, Any], Iterator[Tuple[str, Parameter]]], additional_params: Optional[dict] = None, show_attrs: bool = True, show_saved: bool = True, max_attr_chars: int = 50, ) -> AutoGradDot: """Compile Graphviz representation of PyTorch autograd graph from output tensors. Args: outputs (Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]]): output tensor(s) of forward pass named_params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Iterator[Tuple[str, Parameter]]]): dict of params to label nodes with additional_params (dict): dict of additional params to label nodes with show_attrs (bool): whether to display non-tensor attributes of backward nodes (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) show_saved (bool): whether to display saved tensor nodes that are not by custom autograd functions. Saved tensor nodes for custom functions, if present, are always displayed. (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) max_attr_chars (int): if show_attrs is `True`, sets max number of characters to display for any given attribute. Returns: AutoGradDot: graphviz representation of autograd graph """ autograd_dot = AutoGradDot() autograd_dot.outputs = outputs named_params = dict(named_params) for k, v in named_params.items(): autograd_dot.param_map[id(v)] = k autograd_dot.param_map[id(] = k return _compile_autograd_obj(autograd_dot, additional_params, show_attrs, show_saved, max_attr_chars)
[docs]def make_autograd_obj_from_module( module: nn.Module, *args: Tensor, additional_params: Optional[dict] = None, show_attrs: bool = True, show_saved: bool = True, max_attr_chars: int = 50, from_forward: bool = False, **kwargs: Tensor ) -> AutoGradDot: """Compile Graphviz representation of PyTorch autograd graph from forward pass. Args: module (nn.Module): PyTorch model *args (Tensor): input to the model additional_params (dict): dict of additional params to label nodes with show_attrs (bool): whether to display non-tensor attributes of backward nodes (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) show_saved (bool): whether to display saved tensor nodes that are not by custom autograd functions. Saved tensor nodes for custom functions, if present, are always displayed. (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) max_attr_chars (int): if show_attrs is `True`, sets max number of characters to display for any given attribute. from_forward (bool): if True then use autograd graph otherwise analogvvn graph **kwargs (Tensor): input to the model Returns: AutoGradDot: graphviz representation of autograd graph """ assert isinstance(module, nn.Module) new_args = [] new_kwargs = {} device = is_cpu_cuda.get_module_device(module) for i in args: assert isinstance(i, Tensor) i = i = i.detach() i = i.requires_grad_(True) new_args.append(i) for k, v in kwargs.items(): assert isinstance(v, Tensor) v = v = v.detach() v = v.requires_grad_(True) new_kwargs[k] = v autograd_dot = AutoGradDot() autograd_dot.module = module autograd_dot.inputs = new_args autograd_dot.inputs_kwargs = new_kwargs training_status = use_autograd_graph_status = False if isinstance(module, Layer): use_autograd_graph_status = module.use_autograd_graph module.use_autograd_graph = True disable_autograd_backward_status = {} if from_forward: module.apply(partial(_toggle_autograd_backward, True, disable_autograd_backward_status)) module.train() autograd_dot.outputs = module(*new_args, **new_kwargs) module.train(training_status) if from_forward: module.apply(partial(_toggle_autograd_backward, False, disable_autograd_backward_status)) if isinstance(module, Layer): module.use_autograd_graph = use_autograd_graph_status autograd_dot = _compile_autograd_obj(autograd_dot, additional_params, show_attrs, show_saved, max_attr_chars) return autograd_dot
def _join_scope_name(name: str, scope: Dict[str, str]) -> str: return '/'.join([scope[name], name]) def parse_trace_graph(graph) -> List[Node]: scope = {} for n in graph.nodes(): inputs = [i.uniqueName() for i in n.inputs()] for i in range(1, len(inputs)): scope[inputs[i]] = n.scopeName() uname = next(n.outputs()).uniqueName() assert n.scopeName() != '', f'{n} has empty scope name' scope[uname] = n.scopeName() scope['0'] = 'input' nodes = [] for n in graph.nodes(): attrs = {k: n[k] for k in n.attributeNames()} attrs = str(attrs).replace("'", ' ') inputs = [_join_scope_name(i.uniqueName(), scope) for i in n.inputs()] uname = next(n.outputs()).uniqueName() nodes.append(Node( name=_join_scope_name(uname, scope), op=n.kind(), inputs=inputs, attr=attrs )) for n in graph.inputs(): uname = n.uniqueName() if uname not in scope.keys(): scope[uname] = 'unused' nodes.append(Node( name=_join_scope_name(uname, scope), op='Parameter', inputs=[], attr=str(n.type()) )) return nodes
[docs]def get_autograd_dot_from_trace(trace) -> Digraph: """Produces graphs of torch.jit.trace outputs. Example: >>> trace, = torch.jit.trace(model, args=(x,)) >>> dot = get_autograd_dot_from_trace(trace) Args: trace (torch.jit.trace): the trace object to visualize. Returns: graphviz.Digraph: the resulting graph. """ try: from graphviz import Digraph except ImportError as e: raise ImportError('requires graphviz:') from e # from tensorboardX if LooseVersion(torch.__version__) >= LooseVersion('0.4.1'): torch.onnx._optimize_trace(trace, torch._C._onnx.OperatorExportTypes.ONNX_ATEN_FALLBACK) elif LooseVersion(torch.__version__) >= LooseVersion('0.4'): torch.onnx._optimize_trace(trace, False) else: torch.onnx._optimize_trace(trace) graph = trace.graph() list_of_nodes = parse_trace_graph(graph) node_attr = { 'style': 'filled', 'shape': 'box', 'align': 'left', 'fontsize': '12', 'ranksep': '0.1', 'height': '0.2' } dot = Digraph(node_attr=node_attr, graph_attr={'size': '12,12'}) for node in list_of_nodes: dot.node(,'/', '\n')) if node.inputs: for inp in node.inputs: dot.edge(inp, resize_graph(dot) return dot
[docs]def get_autograd_dot_from_outputs( outputs: Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]], named_params: Union[Dict[str, Any], Iterator[Tuple[str, Parameter]]], additional_params: Optional[dict] = None, show_attrs: bool = True, show_saved: bool = True, max_attr_chars: int = 50, ) -> Digraph: """Runs and make Graphviz representation of PyTorch autograd graph from output tensors. Args: outputs (Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]]): output tensor(s) of forward pass named_params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Iterator[Tuple[str, Parameter]]]): dict of params to label nodes with additional_params (dict): dict of additional params to label nodes with show_attrs (bool): whether to display non-tensor attributes of backward nodes (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) show_saved (bool): whether to display saved tensor nodes that are not by custom autograd functions. Saved tensor nodes for custom functions, if present, are always displayed. (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) max_attr_chars (int): if show_attrs is `True`, sets max number of characters to display for any given attribute. Returns: Digraph: graphviz representation of autograd graph """ return make_autograd_obj_from_outputs( outputs=outputs, named_params=named_params, additional_params=additional_params, show_attrs=show_attrs, show_saved=show_saved, max_attr_chars=max_attr_chars,
[docs]def get_autograd_dot_from_module( module: nn.Module, *args: Tensor, additional_params: Optional[dict] = None, show_attrs: bool = True, show_saved: bool = True, max_attr_chars: int = 50, from_forward: bool = False, **kwargs: Tensor ) -> Digraph: """Runs and make Graphviz representation of PyTorch autograd graph from forward pass. Args: module (nn.Module): PyTorch model *args (Tensor): input to the model additional_params (dict): dict of additional params to label nodes with show_attrs (bool): whether to display non-tensor attributes of backward nodes (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) show_saved (bool): whether to display saved tensor nodes that are not by custom autograd functions. Saved tensor nodes for custom functions, if present, are always displayed. (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) max_attr_chars (int): if show_attrs is `True`, sets max number of characters to display for any given attribute. from_forward (bool): if True then use autograd graph otherwise analogvvn graph **kwargs (Tensor): input to the model Returns: Digraph: graphviz representation of autograd graph """ return make_autograd_obj_from_module( module, *args, additional_params=additional_params, show_attrs=show_attrs, show_saved=show_saved, max_attr_chars=max_attr_chars, from_forward=from_forward, **kwargs
[docs]def save_autograd_graph_from_outputs( filename: Union[str, Path], outputs: Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]], named_params: Union[Dict[str, Any], Iterator[Tuple[str, Parameter]]], additional_params: Optional[dict] = None, show_attrs: bool = True, show_saved: bool = True, max_attr_chars: int = 50, ) -> str: """Save Graphviz representation of PyTorch autograd graph from output tensors. Args: filename (Union[str, Path]): filename to save the graph to outputs (Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor]]): output tensor(s) of forward pass named_params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Iterator[Tuple[str, Parameter]]]): dict of params to label nodes with additional_params (dict): dict of additional params to label nodes with show_attrs (bool): whether to display non-tensor attributes of backward nodes (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) show_saved (bool): whether to display saved tensor nodes that are not by custom autograd functions. Saved tensor nodes for custom functions, if present, are always displayed. (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) max_attr_chars (int): if show_attrs is `True`, sets max number of characters to display for any given attribute. Returns: str: The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file. """ return get_autograd_dot_from_outputs( outputs=outputs, named_params=named_params, additional_params=additional_params, show_attrs=show_attrs, show_saved=show_saved, max_attr_chars=max_attr_chars, ).render(filename, format='svg', cleanup=True)
[docs]def save_autograd_graph_from_module( filename: Union[str, Path], module: nn.Module, *args: Tensor, additional_params: Optional[dict] = None, show_attrs: bool = True, show_saved: bool = True, max_attr_chars: int = 50, from_forward: bool = False, **kwargs: Tensor ) -> str: """Save Graphviz representation of PyTorch autograd graph from forward pass. Args: filename (Union[str, Path]): filename to save the graph to module (nn.Module): PyTorch model *args (Tensor): input to the model additional_params (dict): dict of additional params to label nodes with show_attrs (bool): whether to display non-tensor attributes of backward nodes (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) show_saved (bool): whether to display saved tensor nodes that are not by custom autograd functions. Saved tensor nodes for custom functions, if present, are always displayed. (Requires PyTorch version >= 1.9) max_attr_chars (int): if show_attrs is `True`, sets max number of characters to display for any given attribute. from_forward (bool): if True then use autograd graph otherwise analogvvn graph **kwargs (Tensor): input to the model Returns: str: The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file. """ return get_autograd_dot_from_module( module, *args, additional_params=additional_params, show_attrs=show_attrs, show_saved=show_saved, max_attr_chars=max_attr_chars, from_forward=from_forward, **kwargs ).render(filename, format='svg', cleanup=True)
[docs]def save_autograd_graph_from_trace(filename: Union[str, Path], trace) -> str: """Save Graphviz representation of PyTorch autograd graph from trace. Args: filename (Union[str, Path]): filename to save the graph to trace (torch.jit.trace): the trace object to visualize. Returns: str: The (possibly relative) path of the rendered file. """ return get_autograd_dot_from_trace(trace).render(filename, format='svg', cleanup=True)